Beginner Tier Classes
1 point each ✖️ 4 challenges maximum = FOUR (4) possible bonus points
Challenges are split into 4 distinct attributes
STR (Vocal) | DEX (Mix) | INT (Art) | MAG (Animation)
Mirror Image:
Include a lower & upper octave on top of the main octave melody within your entry (this is not a harmony)
Duration must be at least 10 seconds long
Divine Favor:
Include a 3 part harmony within your entry
Duration must be at least 10 seconds long
Blade Singer:
Include a dissonant harmony within your entry
Duration must be at least 10 seconds long
Astral Calling:
Include a chant within your entry
Chants can be spoken or sung
Duration must be at least 10 seconds
Casting Fortitude:
Hold out a single note/word for a certain amount of time
Duration must be as least 6-10 seconds
Alteration Inscription: Properly demonstrate your proficiency by utilizing automation. Taking screenshots on what’s been automated, you can either show your technique through automating:
Various effects like reverb, delay, etc.
Workshop Foundations: Demonstrate proper routing of effects/plugins by sending it to an auxiliary/bus track and taking a screenshot of the vocal track strip. Note that INSERTING and SENDING plugins are two very different processes. (SAMPLE HERE)
Invisible Synthesis: Use pitch or rhythmic manipulation effects to create unique and original vocals.
Examples include heavy autotune, glitching/stutter effects, vocoder, etc.
Must be at least 10 seconds TOTAL for any credit
Thaumaturge’s Transpose: Demonstrate aptitude of time based effects (reverb, delay, modulation, etc.) to create highly contrasted sections of the song.
An example could be manually automating the delay time of a certain vocal section from ¼ notes to ⅛ notes.
This challenge could be spread throughout the song or at least one section of the song like the verse, chorus, etc.
Breaking Bricks: Demonstrate mastery of the final mix by mastering the track to at least -9 LUFS without unpleasing and unmusical distortion. Attach a screenshot of your metering that displays information of at least two of the required proof (SAMPLE HERE)
LUFS Meter
True Peak Meter
Correlation Meter
Prophecy: Create an 3 original non-character art asset.
Teacher's pet: include a minimum of one teacher in your submission or create an asset related to their class.
(example: for peach's class, divination makes you include tarot cards or other methods of fortune reading) -
Fortune Telling: Use motifs and imagery that predict the theme of the next round.
Dark summoning: design and include a mascot or a pet (or demon) for each of the vocalists or to represent each staff member with a mascot
Ugh Math Shapes: make the compositions based around a geometric shape (example: the characters are seen from a high angle in a circle or their pose creates a subtle triangle in the composition, background assets clearly made to be triangular/spherical, up to you.)
Slow Down Time: Preparation for coming challenges requires one to think, to slow down. Use “Posterize Time” for at least 15-20 seconds of the video. (SAMPLE HERE) (0:48-1:03)
Color Pop: To be a jack of all trades is to stretch yourself thin, a master of none. To perfect one skill or two is to become unmatched, incontestable. Hone yourself. Limit your color palette to black and white with a max two accent colors. (SAMPLE HERE)
Less is more: You needn’t be in constant motion. Stop and take in your surroundings - it may just be your saving grace. Have very minimal camera movements, relying on mainly creative composition to create a sense of movement and style. (SAMPLE HERE)
Opposition: To know your weaknesses is to better understand your strengths; to know your enemies is to better understand your allies. Learn, grow, and fight back against that which opposes you. Without relying on the art to do so, incorporate opposition into the video, however literally (eg inserting the word “opposition” or its synonyms into the composition) or metaphorically (eg using complementary colors to create high-contrast scenes) as you see fit. Examples listed here are merely suggestions. Get creative! (SAMPLE HERE)
Control the Weather: Mother Nature brings life and ruin, she rejuvenates and decimates. Above all else, she kneels only to those skilled enough to control her. Become one of the powerful few. Without the use of green screen videos, create your own type of weather (eg, rain, sun rays, light leaks, or leaves/petals blowing in the wind, etc) and implement it in your scenes. (SAMPLE HERE)